4月14日、外務省とNGOの意見交換会が開かれます Roundtable between Foreign Ministry and NGOs to be held on April 14th.


来る4月14日(水)、外務省にて、政府とNGOによる日本の核軍縮政策お よびNPT再検討会議に向けた方針に関する意見交換会が開催されます。 昨年一年間、ICNND日本NGO連絡会と川口・エバンズ共同議長との意見 交換会が開催されてきました。この流れを引き継ぎ、ICNNDが昨年12月に 報告書を発表したことを踏まえ、この報告書を日本の政策にどう生かすのか、ま た、NPT再検討会議にどのような方針で臨むのかといったことについて、政府 とNGOの間で1時間にわたる意見交換を行います。 今回の意見交換会の特徴は、西村智奈美政務官が出席することです。官僚(部 課長)とNGOとの意見交換はこれまでも多数行われてきましたが、「政治主導」 を掲げる鳩山政権に対して、NGOは政務三役との直接の意見交換を求めてきま した。その結果、政務官の出席が実現しました。政務三役がこのような開かれた 形でNGOとの意見交換会に参加するのは、核軍縮の分野では初めてのことです。 当日はまた、川口順子ICNND共同議長も参加します。詳細(プレスの取材登 録方法を含む)は以下の通りです。

On April 14th (Wed), the Foreign Ministry will hold a roundtable with NGOs on Japan’s nuclear disarmament policy towards the NPT Review Conference.Throughout last year, there have been several roundtables between ICNND Japan NGO Network and Co-Chairs Kawaguchi and Evans. Following this, the government and NGOs will have an hour-long roundtable. With the ICNND report presented last December, there will be discussions on how Japan will apply the report to its policy as well as on the nation’s approach to the upcoming NPT Review Conference. The highlight of this roundtable is that Chinami Nishimura, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs will be attending. There have been previous roundtables between bureaucrats and NGOs, but NGOs have been continually requesting for one with Minister and Vice Ministers of the Hatoyama administration that calls for “Political Leadership”. As a result, the attendance of the Vice Minister was made possible. It is the first time in the area of nuclear disarmament that a Vice Minister attends a roundtable with NGOs. Also, ICNND Co-Chair Yoriko Kawaguchi will be present. The details are as follows. (Including press sign-ups)

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岡田外相のイニシアティブを歓迎し、新政策の早期確立を求める要請 NGOs welcome Foreign Minister Okada’s initiative and request early establishment of a new goverment policy



On January 28th, the joint representation of the ICNND Japan NGO Network submitted a letter to the Foreign Minister and government of Japan titled “ICNND Japan NGO Network welcomes the initiatives for reducing the role of nuclear weapons and requests the early establishment of a new government policy,” in reference to Foreign Minister Okada’s letter to Secretary of State Clinton. The document can be viewed here.

ICNNDの重要な勧告と日本の政策 ICNND’s important recommendations and Japan’s policy.


12月15日に発表されたICNND報告書の中で、日本にとってとりわけ重 要な勧告について解説する資料(作成:川崎哲・NGOアドバイザー/ピースボー ト)を以下に掲載します。
①核の役割限定、②核兵器禁止条約、③核燃料サイク ルの3点について、簡潔に説明しています。
「No.9 核ドクトリン:先制不使用(NFU)と『唯一の目的』宣言」の全訳(訳・NGO連絡会)を以下に紹介します。

情報シートNo.9 の原文はこちらから

We have posted a document (created by Akira Kawasaki, NGO adviser/ Peace Boat) that explains the important recommendations concerning Japan from the ICNND report that was released on December 15th.
It briefly explains about

  1. Limiting The Role of Nuclear Weapons
  2. The Nuclear Weapons Convention
  3. The nuclear fuel cycle

    Click here to view the document. (Japanese version only)

Also, the ICNND has organized the 300-page report (including 76 recommendations) into an “information sheet” according to each theme, posting it on the web.

Of the 25 pages of the “information sheet”, the Japanese translated version of“No. 9 Nuclear Doctrine: No First Use And `Sole Purpose` Declarations” can be viewed here. Click here to view the original text of the “Information Sheet” No.9.Click here to view the entire content of the “Information Sheet”.

「核不拡散・核軍縮に関する国際委員会(ICNND)」の報告書発表せまる――日本の核政策を見直す好機―― Upcoming ICNND Report launch opportunity to reexamine Japanese nuclear policy



The final report of the Japan-Australia led International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (ICNND) is expected to be announced by the end of December. The ICNND, co-chaired by former foreign ministers Gareth Evans and Kawaguchi Yoriko, also features 15 high level commissioners including former US Secretary of Defense William Perry, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, and other senior political and military officials. Since October 2008, the Commission has held meetings in Sydney, Washington DC, Moscow and Hiroshima, and will announce its report featuring recommendations including towards the NPT Review Conference to take place in May 2010. The Japanese Secretariat of the COmmission is within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Arms Control division.


An NGO Advisor from both Japan and Australia were appointed, and within Japan an NGO Network was launched to engage with the Commission. Domestic and international NGOs have held a series of roundtables with the Co-Chairs, dialogue with Commissioners, realised a testimony session by Hibakusha (survivors of the atomic bombs) and submitted various letters and papers to the Commission.

(Media release is available here)

(Release for Diet members and policy staff is こちら)

■■What kind of report will it be?

According to reports and media until now, the ICNND is likely to include the following contents.

An action plan in three stages: short term (-2012), mid-term (2012-2025) and long-term (2025-)

Aiming for “less than 2000 nuclear weapons in the world” and “agreement on no-first use” by 2025

As short-term measures, declaration of “the sole purpose of nuclear weapons to be nuclear deterrence” and calling for nuclear weapon states to agree not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states

As mid-term measures, creation of a Nuclear Weapons Convention

Pursuing multilateral control of the nuclear fuel cycle

Ministry of Foreign affairs materials here

What does this mean for Japan?

2025年という遠い先にまだ2000発の核を許容し、さらにその先ゼロに至る行程を示さないのだとすれば、被爆国・日本からの発信としてはかなり弱い報告書といわざるをえません。日本が「核廃絶に向けて先頭に立つ」(鳩山首相の国連演説)ためには、この委員会の提言を一歩も二歩も前倒ししながら政策を進めることが必要です。 続きを読む »

「核兵器のない世界へーー今こそ飛躍を!」市民シンポジウムの様子 International Civil Society Symposium: “Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons – Now is the Time to Act!”










Video footage of the International Civil Society Symposium coinciding with the ICNND Hiroshima meeting, “Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons – Now is the Time to Act!” can be seen via the following links.

開会 / Opening









パネル討論1 ティルマン・ラフ、田中熙巳 / Panel Discussion 1 : Tilman Ruff, Tanaka Terumi



パネル討論2 川崎哲 / Panel Discussion 2: Kawasaki Akira









パネル討論3 レベッカ・ジョンソン、質疑応答 集会決議・閉会あいさつ / Panel Discussion 3: Rebecca Johnson, Q&A, Adoption of Declaration, Closing


核兵器のない世界へ「今こそ飛躍を!」広島シンポ Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons – Now is the time to act! Hiroshima Symposium




On 18 October, an international civil society symposium coinciding with teh ICNND Hiroshima meeting was held at Hiroshima’s Memorial Cathedral for World Peace, with the title “Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons – Now is the time to act!” Around 300 people participated in the event, which featured a welcome by Hiroshima’s Mayor Akiba Tadatoshi, followed by a panel discussion with Tilman Ruff, Tanaka Terumi, Rebecca Johnson and Kawasaki Akira.


At the conclusion of the symposium, the following Declaration was adopted by participants. The declaration includes recommendations for action to the international community, the ICNND, the Japanese Government and the civil society of Japan.

The Declaration can be downloaded here:

決議の日本語はこちら (Japanese) 英語はこちら (English)


Media reports on the symposium can be seen below.

ICNND「核兵器あってはならぬ」 被爆者や英国運動からシンポ 2009.10.19 読売新聞 (Yomiuri Shimbun)

核廃絶「今こそ飛躍を」NGOシンポジウム 2009.10.21 朝日新聞 (Asahi Shimbun)

ICNNDと市民社会の対話–NGO記者会見の様子 ICNND and Civil Society Dialogue: NGO Press Conference



Video footage of the NGO press conference held following the dialogue between the ICNND and civil society on 17 October can be seen here.

(The International Civil Society Symposium held on 18 October, “Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons – Now is the time to act!” was webcast live, however this footage is no longer available.”

ICNND広島会合関連–NGOの取り組みと記者会見のお知らせ Notice re civil society events and press conferences, ICNND Hiroshima meeting


(See below for English)



◆1◆ 10月15日(木) 東京での記者会見
午後3時~ 参議院議員会館 第5会議室
出席 内藤雅義 (日本反核法律家協会理事、ICNND日本NGO連絡会共同代表ほか)
レベッカ・ジョンソン (英アクロニム研究所所長)
川崎哲 (ピースボート共同代表、ICNND・NGOアドバイザー)

◆2◆ 10月16日(金) 広島での記者会見
午後2時~ 広島市役所 市政記者室
出席 内藤雅義 (日本反核法律家協会理事、ICNND日本NGO連絡会共同代表)
森瀧春子 (核兵器廃絶をめざすヒロシマの会(HANWA)共同代表)
レベッカ・ジョンソン (英アクロニム研究所所長)
ティルマン・ラフ (豪ICAN議長、ICNND・NGOアドバイザー)
川崎哲 (ピースボート共同代表、ICNND・NGOアドバイザー)

◆3◆ 10月17日(土) ICNNDと市民社会の対話
午後1時~2時30分 リーガロイヤルホテル広島 4階クリスタルホール
冒頭発言 秋葉忠利広島市長、田上富久長崎市長

◆4◆ 10月17日(土) キャンドル・メッセージ『NUCLEAR FREE NOW!』
午後5時30分~ 原爆ドーム前

◆5◆ 10月18日(日) 国際シンポジウム「核兵器のない世界へ」
午後2時~5時 (開場午後1時30分)、広島・世界平和記念聖堂
パネリスト レベッカ・ジョンソン、ティルマン・ラフ

●ICNND・NGOアドバイザー 川崎哲 (ピースボート)03‐3363-7561 (携帯)090-8310-5370
●ICNND日本NGO連絡会 事務局 (ピースデポ 気付) 045-563-5101
●広島現地連絡先 090-9064-4705(HANWA 森瀧)






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 『NUCLEAR FREE』(核なき世界を)

 「NUCLEAR FREE」の文字を描きます。
 ●日時:10月17日(土) 17時30分~


 「核兵器のない世界へ―― 今こそ飛躍を!

●日時:10月18日(日) 14時~17時(開場:13時30分)
●場所:世界平和記念聖堂 (広島市中区幟町4-42)

  田中 熙巳(日本被団協事務局長)
  川崎 哲(ピースボート共同代表) 
  森瀧 春子(核兵器廃絶をめざすヒロシマの会(HANWA)共同代表)

●参加費:1000円 / 学生:800円



English Flyer is here. (English Flyer with donation information is here.)


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どうする?核の傘 - 7政党がアンケートに回答 Responses to nuclear umbrella questionnaire


(See below for English)





自民 核の役割は「米国と協議」。核の先制不使用には反対。
公明 核の役割は核への対処に限るべき。国際的合意あれば先制不使用に賛成。
民主 日本の意向を無視した核使用に反対。先制不使用は「米国と話し合う課題」。
共産 核の傘から出るべき。第一歩として米国に先制不使用を働きかけるべき。
社民 核の傘から出るべき。当面の核の役割は、核への対処に限るべき。
国民 抑止力を確実に維持したうえでの先制不使用には賛成。
大地 将来的には核の傘から出ることをめざす。先制不使用に賛成。


共同代表 田中 煕巳 (日本原水爆被害者団体協議会)
朝長 万左男 (核兵器廃絶ナガサキ市民会議)
内藤 雅義 (日本反核法律家協会)
森瀧 春子 (核兵器廃絶をめざすヒロシマの会)
<連絡先> 045-563-5101 ピースデポ


市民団体が主要政党の核政策発表  「廃絶へ活発な議論を」 2009.8.14 共同通信

LDP, opposition parties differ on policy ov er U.S. nuclear umbrella 14  August 2009 Kyodo News

NGO queries parties on nukes  19 August 2009 Japan Times

「核の傘」 主な政党、どう考える 2009.8.26 朝日新聞(広島版)

Questionnaire about Japan and the US Nuclear Umbrella

– Replies Received from 7 Political Parties –

On August 3, 2009, in the lead up to elections for the Japanese House of Representatives (scheduled for August 30), the International Commission on Non-proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament (ICNND) Japan NGO Network sent a questionnaire about the US nuclear umbrella to 10 political parties. The questionnaire asked four questions about the parties’ policies on the US nuclear umbrella (extended nuclear deterrence).
In his speech in Prague on April 5, President Obama articulated his vision of a world without nuclear weapons. In the light of this speech, and as the only country to have been attacked with nuclear weapons, questions are being raised about Japan’s policy of reliance on the US nuclear umbrella.
As of August 13, responses had been received from 7 parties. The co-chairs of the ICNND Japan NGO Network released the responses and provided their analysis at a press conference held in Tokyo on August 14.

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