各政党に「核の傘」政策アンケート Questionnaire re policy on nuclear umbrella


8 3 日、広島、長崎、東京などの反核NGOの連絡組織「ICNND日本NGO連絡会」(共同代表:田中煕巳(日本原水爆被害者団体協議会)ら4 人)は、衆議院選挙に向けて、日本の<核の傘>(米国の核抑止力)への依存政策を中心に、核問題に関する見解を尋ねる「政策アンケート」を、11の政党、政治団体に送付しました。
In the leadup to the House of Representatives election later this month, on 3 August the ICNND Japan NGO Network submitted a questionnaire to 11 political parties and organisations in regards to nuclear related issues, particularly their policies on Japan’s reliance on the nuclear umbrella (US nuclear deterrence).

Not only the nuclear weapon states have the responsibility to contribute to the realisation of a “nuclear-free world,” as per the words of US President Obama. Deepening public debate amongst countries such as Japan that rely on the nuclear umbrella for their security policy, and the choice of the citizens of these countries, plays a significant role.

The policy questionnaire was designed to clarify the policies of each political party and organisation, and to be used as a resource for voters in the upcoming election.

The questionnaire was sent to the following political parties and organisations: Liberal Democratic Party, Democratic Party of Japan, Komeito (Clean Government Party), Japanese Communist Party, Social Democratic Party, People’s New Party, Japan Renaissance Party, New Party Nippon, People’s Movement Dawn of Japan,  New Party Daichi, Okinawa Social Mass Party.

The four questions included their opinion of reliance upon the nuclear umbrella, and whether they agreed with lobbying the US to declare non first use of nuclear weapons.

回答締め切りは、8 10 日です。
The deadline for replies is 10 August.

結果は、814 日には都内で記者会見を行って発表する予定です。その他ホームページに掲載するなどして広く市民に伝えてゆきます。(記者会見の日時、会場などはあらためてご案内します)。
The results will be announced through a press conference held in Tokyo on 14 August, as well as publicising to citizens through home page and other means. (Details of press conference to be announced soon).

For further information about the questions and the questionnaire, please refer to the attached information.


Questionnaire available here

NGO連絡会のリーフレットができました NGO Network leaflet




The ICNND Japan NGO Network has created a leaflet, warning of the backward-looking stance taken by the Japanese government, and a call towards actions surrounding the ICNND meeting to be held in Hiroshima in October 2009.

Please feel free to download and distribute (Japanese only)

Download here (PDF, trifold A4 leaflet)

NGO連絡会がICNNDに第二次公開書簡を出しました 2nd Open Letter


6月15日、ICNND日本NGO連絡会は、ICNNDのエバンス・川口両議長および委員、諮問委員ににあてた第二次公開書簡「日本市民からの期待と要望 第3回モスクワ会合に向けて」を提出しました。

The ICNND Japan NGO Network submitted a second open letter outlining the expectations and requests of Japan’s civil society to Co-Chairs Evans and Kawaguchi, as well as all of the Commissioners and Advisors, on 15 June in the leadup to the Moscow meeting.


The document can be downloaded here in English.

第3回セミナー「原子力の民生利用と核兵器」のお知らせ(7月7日) 3rd Seminar (7 July)



今回は、明治大学講師の勝田 忠広さん、原子力資料情報室共同代表の西尾 漠さん、東京大学公共政策大学院客員教授の鈴木 達治郎さんをお招きし、核軍縮・核不拡散と原子力の民生利用の両立などの問題点についての議論を行います。



On 7 July (Tues) the third in the ICNND Japan NGO Network Seminar Series will be held, on the topic of civilian use of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons – strengthening nonproliferation efforts.

Guests at this seminar will be Katsuta Tadahiro (Lecturer, Meiji University), Nishio Baku (Co-Director, Citizens’ Nuclear Information Centre), and Suzuki Tatsujiro (Visiting Professor, Tokyo University Graduate School of Public Policy).  Discussion will be held on a range of issues, focusing on the balance between nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation and civilian use of nuclear energy.

We look forward to your participation – details are below (Japanese language only). 続きを読む »

ギャレス・エバンズICNND共同議長の来日と記者会見のお知らせ Gareth Evans to visit Tokyo



English information about the press conference to be held during the visit of Gareth Evans, ICNND Co-Chair, to Tokyo this week is avvailable here



午後2:00~ 弁護士会館(霞ヶ関) 509号室


発言:内藤雅義 ICNND日本NGO連絡会共同代表 ほか


午後3:45~ 明治学院大学 白金キャンパス 本館3階、1358教室


発言:ギャレス・エバンズ ICNND共同議長/元豪州外務大臣

川崎哲 ICNND・NGOアドバイザー/ピースボート共同代表 ほか

続きを読む »

連続セミナー第2回「核兵器の非合法化と核兵器条約」(5月19日) Seminar 2 – Outlawing nuclear weapons & Nuclear Weapons Convention (May 19)




The second in a series of seminars by the ICNND Japan NGO Network will be held on May 19, on the topic of “Outlawing nuclear weapons and the Nuclear Weapons Convention.”
Guests will be Yamada Toshinori of Meiji University and Umebayashi Hiromichi, advisor to Peace Depot.
The seminar’s flyer can be seenhere, and further information is listed below.

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3月17日の連続セミナー第1回概要 March 17 Seminar




The first of a series of seminars organised by the ICNND Japan NGO Network was held in Shibuya, Tokyo on 17 March 2009, with the theme of “The path to breaking out from under the nuclear umbrella – The current situation and civil society policy recommendations.”



This seminar featured presentations by creator of the website “Nuclear Information” Takubo Masafumi and Nakamura Keiko, Secretary-General of NPO Peace Depot – which serves as the secretariat for the ICNND Japan NGO Network. Discussions took place on topics including the need for a reconsideration of nuclear deterrence policies of the nuclear weapon states, and the effect no first use of nuclear weapons would have on reductions of nuclear arsenals.

Information distributed at the seminar can be downloaded from the links below (Japanese language only).

ワシントンへの被爆者派遣にカンパしてくださった皆さまへ For those who donated to send the Hibakusha to Washington



Thankyou and a report regarding the delegation of Hibakusha sent to Washington, D.C. through public donations. 続きを読む »

連続セミナー第1回 「核の傘 脱却への道筋」(3月17日) Seminar – 17 March



The ICNND Japan NGO Network will be holding a series of three seminars over the coming months, debating key policy issues related to the ICNND.
The first of these events will be held on 17 March, 2009. These events are open to all – please see the following link for details.
Seminar information (Japanese)) 続きを読む »

ティルマン・ラフさんの来日 Dr Tilman Ruff in Japan





Dr Tilman Ruff (Australia), NGO Advisor to the ICNND, visited Japan on invitation of Genskuikyo between 25 February 2009 – 4 March 2009.
As well as participating in a seminar held by the Japan NGO Network on 2 March to discuss civil society activities related to the ICNND, Dr Ruff also visited several Japanese Diet members between 2-4 March, calling for further discussions within the Japanese parliament on nuclear disarmament policy and the ICNND.
Materials prepared for these visits by the Japanese NGO Advisor Kawasaki Akira can be downloaded here.

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