「核不拡散・核軍縮に関する国際委員会(ICNND)」の報告書発表せまる――日本の核政策を見直す好機―― Upcoming ICNND Report launch opportunity to reexamine Japanese nuclear policy



The final report of the Japan-Australia led International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (ICNND) is expected to be announced by the end of December. The ICNND, co-chaired by former foreign ministers Gareth Evans and Kawaguchi Yoriko, also features 15 high level commissioners including former US Secretary of Defense William Perry, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, and other senior political and military officials. Since October 2008, the Commission has held meetings in Sydney, Washington DC, Moscow and Hiroshima, and will announce its report featuring recommendations including towards the NPT Review Conference to take place in May 2010. The Japanese Secretariat of the COmmission is within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Arms Control division.


An NGO Advisor from both Japan and Australia were appointed, and within Japan an NGO Network was launched to engage with the Commission. Domestic and international NGOs have held a series of roundtables with the Co-Chairs, dialogue with Commissioners, realised a testimony session by Hibakusha (survivors of the atomic bombs) and submitted various letters and papers to the Commission.

(Media release is available here)

(Release for Diet members and policy staff is こちら)

■■What kind of report will it be?

According to reports and media until now, the ICNND is likely to include the following contents.

An action plan in three stages: short term (-2012), mid-term (2012-2025) and long-term (2025-)

Aiming for “less than 2000 nuclear weapons in the world” and “agreement on no-first use” by 2025

As short-term measures, declaration of “the sole purpose of nuclear weapons to be nuclear deterrence” and calling for nuclear weapon states to agree not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states

As mid-term measures, creation of a Nuclear Weapons Convention

Pursuing multilateral control of the nuclear fuel cycle

Ministry of Foreign affairs materials here

What does this mean for Japan?

2025年という遠い先にまだ2000発の核を許容し、さらにその先ゼロに至る行程を示さないのだとすれば、被爆国・日本からの発信としてはかなり弱い報告書といわざるをえません。日本が「核廃絶に向けて先頭に立つ」(鳩山首相の国連演説)ためには、この委員会の提言を一歩も二歩も前倒ししながら政策を進めることが必要です。 続きを読む »